
Harold's Cheat Sheets    
Harold's Probability Cheat Sheet Docx My compilation of common probability formulas (SNHU MAT243 & MAT 230 Modules 3 & 4)
Harold's Statistics: Descriptive Cheat Sheet Docx My AP Stats formulas with mean, variance, and statistical inference (SNHU MAT243)
Harold's Statistics: Distributions Cheat Sheet Docx My discrete and continuous Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) (SNHU MAT243)
Harold's Statistics: Hypothesis Testing Cheat Sheet Docx My Hypothesis Testing made simple (SNHU MAT243)
Harold's Statistics: Linear Regression Analysis Cheat Sheet Docx My simple and multiple linear regression models (SNHU MAT243)
Harold's Statistics: ANOVA and Chi Squared Cheat Sheet Docx My analysis of variance (ANOVA) and chi squared tests (SNHU MAT243)
AP Stats Formulas    
AP Stats Formulas
AP Statistics formula sheets
BarCharts QuickStudy Outlines   NOTE: Use login = "student", password = "WyzAnt2".
Statistics Link Very useful statistics cheat sheet
Statistics - Equations & Answers Link Stats sample problems with solutions
Textbooks Link Free Open-Source Textbooks
Statistics Link OpenStax free open-source textbook - Statistics
Introductory Statistics Link OpenStax free open-source textbook - Introductory Statistics
Introductory Business Statistics Link OpenStax free open-source textbook - Introductory Business Statistics
AP   Advanced Placement (AP)
AP Practice Exams - Statistics   College Board - Statistics (2001-2016)
Links   Computational Knowledge Engine
Distribution Formulas Link Well organized distribution formulas (PDF)
Important Statistics Formulas   Well organized statistics formulas
iPad Apps   Apple's App Store
Pi Cubed Statistics 1 Statistics
MathRef Math Ref Best Math, Physics, and Chemistry Formulas
WolphramAlpha WolframAlpha The Google of Mathematics


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Last updated 7 June 2024